A recent blog post from Darren Rowes shed the light on what makes a blog/news website great and what people look for when they get to your website.
An excerpt from that post:
7 Questions People Ask When They Arrive on your Blog for the First Time
- What is it about? - Topic
- What’s in it for me? - Benefits
- Who are you? - Credibility
- Why should I care? - Relevance
- Is Anyone Else Here? - Social Proof
- Why Should I Come Back? - Anticipation
- How Do I Connect? - Retention
- What Should I Do Next? - Retention and/or Conversion
And this is where you come in...we need to know where we hit the mark and where we miss it. What changes would you like to see on the website? What do you like and what do you not like on the website...
We hope to hear from you soon!
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