We've just updated the Family Tree database to 31 October 2012! Please don't worry that the date is saying 31 October 2012 as we are not yet there, but this is what the database named itself for this month :)
Currently the database contains 6817 individuals and 2367 families! Are you on here? Let us know, we'd love to hear from you and update our ever-growing database of Ma(a)rtens in South Africa. We are excited that we are getting a lot of response from the Maartens' in Australia as they originally come from the Maartens branch in South Africa. There are some interesting reading material that we posted a couple of months ago that were sent to us from Australia, so have a look on the right-hand menu under Interesting Bits.
With the ever changing SPAM landscape, we've had no SPAM slipping through this month which we are very thankful of. Mollom.com went from blocking in total 278 SPAM entries the previous month to 668 last month! That is a lot of SPAM attack with a 100% successful rate for the last month. If you see any weird entries on our website, please email us on the "Contact Me" on the top menu.
You can also contact us on the Facebook page and we would like you to show some activity on our Facebook page please :) The link to our Facebook page is on the very top of the website. You are also encourage to upload some photos of years gone by or current photos of your family photos, also available at the very top of the website. We also remind you that we have a wall that you can post news or questions to the family.
And as always, please let us know what you think of the website and the work that's being done on the database.
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