We've just updated the Family Tree database to 10 FEBRUARY 2013! Our first update for 2013!
Currently the database contains 7825 individuals and 2690 families (November 2012: 7115 individuals and 2466 families)! Are you on here? We would love for all of you to post on the wall a screenshot / words of where on the tree you are. Feedback and interaction is vital for the growth and existance of this website and database. Without your help this passion can die!
You can also contact us on our Facebook page as we would like you to show some activity there. You are also encourage to upload some photos of years gone by or current photos of your family photos. You can also view the photos that are currently uploaded from all the family members. We also remind you that we have a wall that you can post news or questions to the family.
And as always, please let us know what you think of the website and the work that's being done on the database.
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